Boys can visit and learn lots, but there is no interaction with the animals. $150 donation required to visit. Slso appreciate a variety of items to be donated to help animals including newspapers, trash bags, boxes with lids, toilet paper, paper towels, 1st Class stamps and more.
Sumita Thiagarajan
Education Executive
The Foodbank fights hunger, reduces food wastage and takes donations of unwanted food for voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs), charities and soup kitchens. They’ve just launched the Food Bank Juniors Club, aimed at five to 12-year-old volunteers, where kids can help out at the warehouse and be educated about hunger and food wastage issues in Singapore. You can also hold a food drive.
For more information email or p. 90232588.
You can volunteer to run an activity for children, share a skill or hobby, host an event or simply listen to and help guide one of our youths. There are many other ways you can contribute, so have a chat with us and we can figure it out together.
Whether you’re after a little CSR or good deed plus points, come join us in serving over 10,000 households that we have reached out to. We’d love to have you on board.
Our goal is to secure a better, brighter future for the children of Cambodia through education
A non-profit, non-governmental, charitable organization committed to ensuring a high-quality education for 6,400 children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We train their teachers, provide clean, child-friendly classrooms, and the essentials for their health and welfare.
No-kill shelter for dogs
Girls can donate money or goods to keep the shelter up and running.
One fun thing is to sponsor a kennel for $300 a month. Girls can come spruce up their kennel which includes painting it however they want. One troop first went to the nearby Sun Petgamart, a massive, cheap pet store, and bought loads of supplies before painting the kennel.
The first hawker training school in Singapore for disabled and disadvantaged people.
Get your little environmentalist to be a green ambassador with the Green Volunteers Network. They can get involved with grass roots projects such as reforestation through family tree-planting sessions, and clean-up activities at mangrove swamps. There’s also plenty of need for helpers to raise funds to support ongoing costs. p. 6337 6062 or e.
Every year HWA has an Annual Wheel Walk or Jog 2018 cum Family Carnival at Marina Barrage. This event is for the disabled and many participates. They need volunteers to push wheelchairs, act as guides, man booths and more. The date is usually in April.
p: 62543006 | f: 62537375 | email:
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Interacting with dying patients may be too much, but there are other things the girls can do, too.
This group has a wide array of activities. Last year, the Boy Scouts helped with basic first aid, hydration, checking-in, cutting water melons, and making sandwiches for the Ultra Craze Marathon, in support of HCA Hospice Center.
Helpful list and information from Honeykids Asia
Honeykids Asia has put together a great list of philanthropic organizations that are appropriate for families and groups of kids.
"Teach your kids to think of others through volunteering: here’s our guide to worthy organisations..."
Make A Wish Foundation is a brilliant organisation brightening the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Your child can lead a school fundraising activity – like a car wash, walk-a-thon or bake sale. The sky is the limit, and all ideas are welcome. Contact this worthy foundation on 6334 9474 or email, and help make wishes come true.
Also sponsors the Santa Run every year.
We train volunteers and caregivers in the art of mobility aids repair and maintenance, wheelchair handling, befriending the elderly and the physically disabled. We collect any used and unwanted mobility aids equipment and refurbish them. Probably best for older troops.
The Riding for the Disabled Association Singapore (RDA) has been giving thousands of disabled children and adults the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of horse-riding therapy for over 30 years. No previous horse experience is required, and volunteers will start out as side walkers, guiding smiling beneficiaries around the track as they enjoy a welcome break from wheelchairs. For kids aged 16 and above. Check out this video on the great work of RDA Singapore.
Webelos partnered with Society of St. Vincent De Paul (catholic charity) as part of the St. Ignatius church to provide food items, snacks and toiletries to Special Pass foreign/migrant workers who have been injured on the job or who are unemployed due to outstanding claims with their previous employer for wages, etc. Once a month, last Friday of each month, volunteers provide the food items/toiletries to the workers in front of Alankar Restaurant in Little India (Alankar provides them with a take-away meal to eat, 98 Dunlop St, 209418, near Rocher MRT). When a worker is injured or has a claim with their employer, that person is not earning money. If they are a new worker, unlikely they have savings built up to provide for their needs for these times. This charity along with the NGO helps to fill the gap (place to stay, food, legal recourse options). there is no religious content, just providing needed food and toiletry items. Many of the folks that we are serving speak very little English (beyond hi, thank you) but they are very respectful and seemed to enjoy the kids energy when handing out the items.
Contact: Magdalene Tan (+65 9152 8227).
Webelos AOL: Due to the small space out front of the restaurant (side walk area) between the restaurant and road with street parking, there is limited space to put too many dens together, let alone the pack. The event lasts from about 5:30 pm (set-up till 6 pm when event starts) till ~8:45-9 pm. 12 people at a time (give or take) is all that will fit in the space. Typically, each event serves about 300 workers who can come to the event between 6-9 pm. There are no assigned times so not sure if the early, mid or late shifts will be busiest (usually there is a good mix). For the older scouts, each den contributed $150 (asked boys to do chores for family to earn money, everyone willingly helped to earn their $20). The pack committee contributed add'l $150 to each den. With that money, the older scouts made a budget and planned food items and toiletries to buy.
Alankar provides some tables and chairs for an assembly line for the scouts to put the items into the bags and hand out to the workers who have a proper ticket/card which they show before receiving the goodie bag. The charity provides the fresh fruit from a local vendor who delivers the fruit to Alankar so just need to put in the goodie sack. Scouts seemed to enjoy the event, learned budgeting, coordination of assembly line and the interaction with folks (courteously saying hello/thank you, asking for the ticket, acting cheerful even when it is really hot). Little India is bustling at night with lights, noise and music so rambunctious scouts are not out of place.
Alternative Options:
- Several dens or ranks can consider pooling funds to purchase food and toiletry items to provide. Also consider making the goodie bags in advance with non-perishable food items (assembly line but then would need to bring everything to location, more packing).
- The church had a clothing drive from the members. There are boxes available to drop off clothes. The clothes need to be sorted into shirts, pants, etc. and then into sizes (shirts and pants, younger dens then sizing by older dens). The pack could consider hosting a clothing drive for men's sizes (Asian sizing: sm, med, lg). Some dens could sort the clothes and other dens could participate in the Friday event for the handout. There is add'l space around the corner from the restaurant where the clothing items could be organized. This would allow more dens to participate together.
What did Webelos buy? Cookies, crackers, little candies, chocolates, instant coffee, tea and Milo packets, instant cereal drink (nutritional) and bars of soap. Fresh fruit provided. Most of these workers do not have access to kitchen so even Maggi noodles can be difficult to use. Ready to eat foods or something that requires water, no boiling, works best.
Befriending Your offspring will be welcomed with open arms and hearts at the Peacehaven Nursing Home, Bedok Multi-Service Centre. They’ll learn a thing or two about Singapore heritage from the wise residents and help run fun activities.
Donations-in-kind (DIK) processing Youth will have a chance to exercise their eye for vintage while sorting through the second-hand thrift store donations. By also pricing the goods, cleaning and and setting up the stalls, they’ll earn a sense of pride in seeing a project through to fruition.
Academic mentoring At the William Booth Corps Students’ Care Centre, Kallang Bahru Outpost, and Gracehaven centre, volunteers aged 17 and up will have the chance to help younger kids with school work. It’s also an exercise in commitment, with volunteers pledging to attend at least one session a week for three months.
Student projects The Salvation Army recognises that it can be hard to juggle school and long-term volunteering. Students are encouraged to plan their own activity for the elderly or childcare kids. Check out the Salvation Army’s volunteering opportunites on its website for some more inspiration.
For a hands-on experience, join the charitable folks at the Soup Kitchen Project. Every Monday from 6-8pm, the team feeds 220 hungry souls in the Jalan Besar – Lavender Street area. All you need is time and compassion. And while you’re at it, why not have a clean out at home and donate household items gathering dust.
Held every March.
The Terry Fox Run Singapore aims to continue Terry Fox’s “Marathon of Hope” and keep his aspiration of a cancer-free world alive. Since its Singapore debut in 2010, the Terry Fox Run has become one of the key charity events for both Canadians and locals in Singapore.
The Terry Fox Run is completely volunteer-organised, with no budget for expenses. All donations and pledges from the event will go towards supporting cancer research in Singapore. At the 2018 Terry Fox Run Singapore, our goal is to raise SGD $200,000. The event is a 5 km or 10 km non-competitive, family-oriented fun run. You can run, jog, walk, hop and even ride on someone’s shoulders: the race is against cancer.
Another awesome opportunity for your kids to connect with the elderly in need and disadvantaged youth is through Touch Community Services. One of Touch’s core drivers is to challenge young volunteers to test their limits, unleash energies and realise their full potential to impact society for the better. Touch also provide a meals on wheels service, so why not volunteer as a driver and spend some quality time with your child delivering vital food to the frail and elderly.
Gloves and garbage collection bags will provided for the regular Trash Hero beach clean-up sessions where kids (and adults) can come along and do their bit for the environment by keeping Singapore’s shorelines trash-free. There’s plenty of educational value to the missions too: guides will impart wise words about the impact that waste and rubbish has on the global environment, and how we can all play our part to help.
Up to 100 Volunteers
Part of Habitat for Humanity, UnLitter Red Dot is a great project for a massive group. For a small fee, you get t-shirts, water and all the cleaning supplies you need.
"By participating in UnLitter, we seek to start new conversations with volunteers about what it means to care for one’s living space beyond the four corners of our homes. We want to groom a generation of compassionate citizens to step out and champion impact, be it communal or societal, as a foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty. Together, we can be instruments for positive and lasting social and economic change within our communities."
Here’s one for teens and older – if you’ve attended events such as the Singapore Writers Fest and Car Free Sundays, you may have wondered who keeps these events running so smoothly. Well, it’s built on the backbone of volunteers. Sign up to volunteer for sports events in Singapore such as National Day Parade or support the arts at events like Weekends at The Artground. They register you on different systems so make sure you sign up to the right website. Not only will you be able to help to make a difference, if you’re lucky you’ll be able to get up close and personal with the events while on duty. Front row seats, here we come!
A soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and distributes about 5,000 meals every day
Willing Hearts is a soup kitchen. Even the youngest Daisies can help here by putting stickers on containers, sorting vegetables and more. As the girls get older, they can help prepare the meal.
Also please note that girls are able to help prepare meals at Willing Hearts and you can sign up for a spot online. Or if the spots are full, you can contact the founder directly and he will organize a volunteer opportunity specifically for your troop. Tony 9690 2086